
About Us

About Catalytic Converter dot org

Catalytic Converter dot org is an industry sponsored site organized to provide automotive consumer education.

Our site will provide information to the public on catalytic converter design faqs, failure prevention, maintenance and United States exhaust emission laws.

Government policy needs to ensure that aftermarket catalytic converters are compatible with the vehicle’s OBDII system, in addition to meeting emission requirements. The United States Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board have implemented policies to address this issue.

In October 1998, the U.S. EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) provided peer review comments on a draft Health Assessment Document for Diesel Emissions (EPA/600/8-90/057C, February 1998). The U.S. EPA’s National Center for Environmental Assessment requested a consultation with CASAC to discuss the ongoing risk assessment approach for addressing the major CASAC comments. The contents of this discussion paper are draft, do not cite or quote in all respects and should not be interpreted to be final risk assessment conclusions or Agency policy. A fully revised Diesel Health Assessment Document is expected to be available for peer review and public comment in October 1999.

EPA has actively supported and promoted the introduction of clean diesel engines and fuel for heavy-duty trucks and buses and for passenger vehicles. To take advantage of the best attributes of diesels -– fuel efficiency and durability -– while protecting public health, EPA, with full support of the Bush Administration, has put in place a number of programs, which together will result in the most dramatic improvement in air quality since the catalytic converter was first introduced a quarter century ago. While the regulatory measures described below will apply to vehicles and equipment built in the future, EPA’s voluntary diesel programs address pollution from vehicles and equipment that are in use today.

Our site provides information on a variety of mobile source air toxics (which are chemicals that are known or suspected to be hazardous to human health) and their environmental and public health effects.