Catalytic Converters

Vehicle Ride Control News

According to Newton’s First Law, a moving body will continue moving in a straight line until it is acted upon by another force. Newton’s Second Law states that for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  In the case of the automobile, whether the disturbing force is in the form of a wind-gust, an incline in the roadway, or the cornering forces produced by tires, the force causing the action and the force resisting the action will always be in balance.

Many things affect vehicles in motion. Weight distribution, speed, road conditions and wind are some factors that affect how vehicles travel down the highway. Under all these variables however, the vehicle suspension system including the shocks, struts and springs must be in good condition. Worn suspension components may reduce the stability of the vehicle and reduce driver control. They may also accelerate wear on other suspension components.

Replacing worn or inadequate shocks and struts will help maintain good ride control as they:

  • Control spring and suspension movement
  • Provide consistent handling and braking
  • Prevent premature tire wear
  • Help keep the tires in contact with the road
  • Maintain dynamic wheel alignment
  • Control vehicle bounce, roll, sway, dive and acceleration squat
  • Reduce wear on other vehicle systems
  • Promote even and balanced tire and brake wear
  • Reduce driver fatigue

Suspension concepts and components have changed and will continue to change dramatically, but the basic objective remains the same:

    1. Provide steering stability with good handling characteristics
    2. Maximize passenger comfort

Achieving these objectives under all variables of a vehicle in motion is called Ride Control.  Monroe and
A-1Shocks.com can supply you with some of the finest Ride Control Products made today!





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